Les chasseurs luttent contre la Bête du Gévaudan

The park «The wolfs of Gévaudan»

Parc Les loups du Gévaudan

Sainte-Lucie 48100 Saint-Léger-de-Peyre
Tel : +33 (0)4 66 32 09 22 


Official web site Les loups du Gévaudan

This translation was made with a digital translator. It's not perfect, I know that.
If you want to help me make it more understandable, I would be honored with your help.
Please contact me. 👍🏻

Parc Les loups du Gévaudan

Canis lupus is a species of mammal of the Canidae family. The species Canis lupus has evolved throughout history to differentiate into several sub-species of large gray wolves (Canis lupus lupus), but also to give smaller canids such as dogs singer (Canis lupus hallstromi) or dingo (Canis lupus dingo) and domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) with all the diverse breeds that are recognized.


Parc Les loups du Gévaudan

The wolf is the animal most emblematic of the history of Europe, he was honored during antiquity among all the ancient peoples of Europe [19]. The European mythologies, from the shores of the Mediterranean to northern Scandinavia, have been consistently linked to the wolf fertility, protection, destruction, punishment, and sun deities heroic who embodied such values as Apollo or Belen.

Parc Les loups du Gévaudan

It is very difficult to observe wolves in the wild and can live for months in a region where they are still number without having the chance to see one. In the forest, a meeting can only occur with the assistance of the blessed chance, or with experience, perfect knowledge of the territory of these animals ...

More pictures on the gallery

Parc Les loups du Gévaudan
Parc Les loups du Gévaudan
Parc Les loups du Gévaudan

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