Les chasseurs luttent contre la Bête du Gévaudan

Sylvain Runberg - Jean-Charles Poupard

The claws of Gevaudan

Volume 1

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The hunt can begin: in the footsteps of a terrifying beast with many faces!


Summer 1765. When François Antoine arrives in Gévaudan with his son to investigate a series of abuses, the population is traumatized. Over the past year, dozens of victims have been counted in this region, above all women and children, killed in atrocious conditions by the side of the roads. The survivors all describe a terrifying creature, an unknown animal, a beast unless it's a werewolf? For the Church, no doubt, it is a scourge sent by God!

Commissioned by the king to put an end to this carnage, François Antoine prefers to dismiss these rantings... According to the king's arquebus holder, it is simply a question of a wolf. But for her son, several disturbing clues suggest that it is something else, much more terrible... What kind of animal decapitates, dismembers and sometimes undresses its prey?

And how to explain, that the witnesses of the attacks do not manage to identify the animal, in a region where the wolf is an animal that we meet regularly? Neither hunter's bullets nor hunts will be much help and as father and son clash over the nature of this elusive 'Beast', the hunt becomes a matter of state...


The tension mounts, the attacks redouble in intensity and a dark rumor resurfaces from the past... a story where vengeance and the law of silence mingle with fangs and claws. For our two investigators, the adversary will be plural, ferocious and animated by an unlimited hatred... The mystery of the "Beast of Gévaudan" never elucidated, marked history and inspired cinema.


Sylvain Runberg and Jean-Charles Poupard seize on a myth known to all, and reinvent the story of the "Malbête" to better cover the tracks and lead the public into a mysterious and terrifying investigation. Based on real facts, this resolutely modern thriller where horror goes beyond fiction, will form a diptych whose 2 albums will be accompanied by an 8-page historical file which will return to the real facts that occurred in Lozère in the 18th century.

Sylvain Runberg - Jean-Charles Poupard - The claws of Gevaudan Volume 1

Year of publication of the presented edition : 2024 (january 10) (64 pages)

Éditor : Glénat

ISBN : 9782344032312

Script :

Sylvain Runberg

Born in 1971 to a Belgian mother and a French father, he grew up in the South of France. He lived in France, England and Sweden.

He passed his Plastic Arts baccalaureate before joining the large student family in Aix-en-Provence. During this studious period, interspersed with various European getaways and the organization of musical events, he obtained a master's degree in contemporary history.

Sylvain was then a bookseller, then joined Humanoids Associates before embarking on writing following an accident that immobilized him for several months in 2001.

Then began a career as a screenwriter in 2003 with the publication of a fantastic story in the magazine Métal Hurlant ("L'Offrande" with Julien Renoult) and "Lesaventures d'Astrid" (2004), his first album, with Karim Friha. , for the little ones.

Since then, Sylvain Runberg has published nearly 85 albums with the biggest French-speaking publishers (Dupuis, Dargaud, Le Lombard, Glénat, Futuropolis, Ankama) and has been translated into 22 languages.


Illustration :

Jean-Charles Poupard

Born in 1985. In 2007, he obtained his degree in Plastic Arts at the University of Rennes, before returning, a year later, to the School of Higher Arts of Pivaut in Nantes.

There he met Timothée Montaigne, who had a significant influence on his graphic and narrative orientation in comics. In April 2010, when he still had a year to go to get his diploma, Jean-Charles was recommended by Laurent Miny (illustrator and teacher at the Pivaut school) to Jean-Luc Istin, collection director at Éditions Sun.

Three months later, he signed his first album "Jack the Ripper", on a script by François Debois. The album was released on May 16, 2012, when he had already been working for several months on drawing, color and co-writing the second volume of this diptych on Jack the Ripper.

Sylvain Runberg - Jean-Charles Poupard - The claws of Gevaudan Volume 1
Sylvain Runberg - Jean-Charles Poupard - The claws of Gevaudan Volume 1
Sylvain Runberg - Jean-Charles Poupard - The claws of Gevaudan Volume 1
Sylvain Runberg - Jean-Charles Poupard - The claws of Gevaudan Volume 1

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