Les chasseurs luttent contre la Bête du Gévaudan

Roger Oulion

The Beast of Gévaudan

Roger Oulion did not want to tell another story of the beast of Gévaudan but he followed for fifty years, step by step, claw after claw, the tracks of this animal. He never found an answer to his questions in the numerous works relating to this story.


Today he offers a new argument using the findings much like an investigator after a crime. But in this case after many crimes, more than a hundred.

The beast? There were so many hypothesis: was it a wolf? A hyena, a little tiger, a dog, a hybrid half wolf, half dog? Roger Oulian maintains that the beast of Gévaudan was the weapon of an organized crime and that the wolves were not entirely responsible for the 134 deadly aggressions. He reveals the author or the authors.


Brilliantly Roger Oulion answers to the thesis of the numerous authors by asking himself simple but evident questions. How can an animal crunch a human being at 10:00 AM and start again the same day at 20 kilometres away? How can an animal tear to shreds a child with its claws after traveling tens of kilometres, days after days?


Roger Oulion, himself a hunter, knows very well that his hunting dogs no longer have nails on any of their paws during hunting season. How can we explain the presence of the thighbone of a child in the stomach of the dead beast, unless it was placed there on purpose? How could Jean Chastel as easily kill the beast after surrounding a forest of more than a hundred hectares? What was the role of the priest of La Besseyre-Saint-Mary?


The inconsistencies told do not escape our investigator. The religious manipulations neither. The author explores the mysteries of the abbey of Mercoire and the relations with the "Morangiès." He get his inspiration from the re-discovered report "Marin " of 1767.

The history of the beast is the story of an organized crime. Who was the serial killer of La Margueride in the XVIIIth Century?


Year of publication of the original edition : 2006 (79 pages)

Year of publication of the presented edition : 2009 (march,21), second revised expanded edition. (150 pages)

Others editions : 2013 : third revised and enlarged edition.

Editor : Édition du Roure

Book Roger Oulion The Beast of Gévaudan 2009

The author :

Born in 1932 in Craponne-sur-Arzon, Roger Oulion produced Indian ink drawings and sold his first works to the public while he was a student. Passionate about painting, retired in the south of France, he finds himself every year in his Haute Loire. He keeps the nostalgia of the country of trout rivers, of this Margeride, to be passionate about the story of the Beast of Gévaudan.

Book Roger Oulion The Beast of Gévaudan 2009
Book Roger Oulion The Beast of Gévaudan
Book Roger Oulion The Beast of Gévaudan
Livre Roger Oulion The Beast of Gévaudan 2013

Edition 2006

Edition 2013

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