Les chasseurs luttent contre la Bête du Gévaudan

Roger Lagrave

Others Observations on the Beast of Gévaudan

In these sayings and other sayings of the Beast, it is the storyteller who is telling.

A way for him to make alive and readable for all a multiple, complex, distended event. But respecting the historical truth encountered in the documents collected.

Not the teacher, but the storyteller.

The storyteller but also the teacher; the teacher telling his pupils; the educator animating a vigil on the theme of the Beast.


Year of publication of the presented edition : 2005

Editor : Cévennes-Gévaudan


Book purchased at the tourist office in Aumont-Aubrac.
Rue Prieure, 48130 Aumont Aubrac - 04 66 42 88 70



The author :

Roger Lagrave (1923-2021) wanted to introduce the wealth of his department to as many people as possible. He became a local editor, from his home in La Salle-Prunet. Artisan of the Gévaudan-Cévennes editions, he published magazines that dealt with the history, geography, geology, tales and legends of Lozère and Gévaudan.

Livre Roger Lagrave - Others Observations on the Beast of Gévaudan
Livre Roger Lagrave - Others Observations on the Beast of Gévaudan

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