Les chasseurs luttent contre la Bête du Gévaudan

Marc Saint-Val

In the Skin of the Beast

Marc Saint-Val - In the Skin of the Beast 2016

The file: a Beastly story! 

The motive: the right to rule, inherited from a divine source

The context: Gévaudan during the 18th century

The actors: dreadful Machiavellian monsters 

The setting: obscure castes and secret societies

The victims: innocent shepherds and young girls 

The executioner: Mister Tasmanian Tiger

The guilty: the powerful nobles 

The facts: related here in much detail


Year of publication of the presented edition : 2016 (274 pages)

Editor : Amazon

The author :

Marc Saint-Val is the author of a police series which features the hero Jean-Jean PIGNOL. He is also the author of many works that try to illuminate the mysterious affair of the BeastS of Gévaudan, which after 250 years continues to elicit a number of questions and debates… 

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Marc Saint-Val - In the Skin of the Beast 2016

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