Les chasseurs luttent contre la Bête du Gévaudan

Marc Saint-Val

EVERYTHING behind the affair of the Beasts of Gévaudan affair!

This book is the result of more than ten years of uninterrupted research into this affair. It contains EVEYRTHING that is verifiably known concerning the Beasts of Gévaudan to help inform a correct opinion based on concrete facts and not on fuzzy theories or allegations lacking good sense or a serious foundation.  


The causes of a plot which motivated this bloody story, as well as the ways in which they were deployed to shape the disaster, are both clearly addressed in detail and in depth.


The author, who is neither a historian nor an animal specialist, strongly claims the ability to think freely while ignoring earlier beliefs or fashionable trends, presenting himself as insatiably curious to find and explain the facts…



Year of publication of the current edition : 2021 (122 pages)

Editor : Edited by author

Marc Saint-Val - EVERYTHING about the Beasts of Gévaudan case!

L'auteur :

Marc Saint-Val is the author of a police series who has as its hero Jean-Jean PIGNOL, as well as  several books trying to shed light on the mysterious affair of the Beasts of Gévaudan, which for over 250 years has continued to inspire questions and debate. 

Author facebook profile

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