Les chasseurs luttent contre la Bête du Gévaudan

Roger Lagrave - Cyrille Le Faou

Le secret de Portefaix

(The secret of Portefaix)

Livre Roger Lagrave - Cyrille Le Faou - Le secret de Portefaix La Bête du Gévaudan

The Beast of Gévaudan is not only an animal of legend.

Its crimes, in addition to its hundred victims, are historically proven. During the winter of 1765, the monster attacked seven children in Margeride who succeeded in fighting it off and forcing it to flee. 


Some twenty years later the bravest of them, Jacques Portefaix, who had become an officer in the army of the King, wrote to his majesty Louis XV to reveal to him what he knew about the Beast and to entrust him with its dark secret.

Drawings : Cyrille Le Faou
Text : Roger Lagrave
Text in Occitan (Lozère) : Alain Bouras 

Year of publication of this edition : 2007 (48 pages)

Editor : Alain Piazzola

The authors :

Cyrille Le faou Born in 1969, he would go on to discover a passion for comics (especially for the superheroes of the era!) while at school. As for his parents, his father was a naval officer and his mother a farmer, and they saw him as destined for music. Regardless, the little Cévennes boy went into “exile” in Toulon to finish his studies before entering the Beaux Arts of Marseille, having been persuaded to become a classical figurative painter after a visit to the Louvre. Following years selling his paintings at galleries without much stability, he finally found himself as an illustrator and comic book designer.

His website

Alain Bouras Born in 1953 in a village in the Gardoise scrubland, but fascinated with the mysteries of the Cévennes mountains, particularly Mount Lozère, he wrote « Une passion du Mont Lozère », in which he combines novelistic writing in both French and Occitan to explore the history of villages in the Cévennes piedmont and the broader Occitan region.

Roger Lagrave (1923-2021) wanted to introduce as many people as possible to the riches of his homeland. He was a local publisher from his home in La Salle-Prunet. A specialist in publications from Gévaudan-Cévennes, he published magazines that covered the history, geography, geology, tales and legends of Lozère and Gévaudan.

Livre Roger Lagrave - Cyrille Le Faou - Le secret de Portefaix La Bête du Gévaudan

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