Les chasseurs luttent contre la Bête du Gévaudan

Guy Crouzet

And in Gévaudan there settled “a savage beast, unknown to our area….” 

This book complements his earlier investigations in “The Great Fear of Gévaudan” in 2002 and “Beasts in Gévaudan” in 2010. The author doesn’t beam either with pleasure or pride when he recalls that Jean-Marc Moriceau, professor of modern history at the University of Caen and well-known specialist on the rural world, who wrote one of his first works about wolves called “The history of the wicked wolf: 15th to 20th century,” once wrote a chapter dedicated to the beast of Gévaudan in which he says on page 170: “…other than the three abbots (Pourcher, Favre, Pic), the one researcher who has found the most complementary documents and put them into perspective is Guy Crouzet…”.


Crouzet also had the exceptional opportunity to present, in the town hall of Malzieu on August 4th, 2011, the gun with which Jean Chastel killed the beast on June 19, 1767.


And lastly, he was happy to have served as the founding president of the association “In the land of the beast of Gévaudan” from 1988 to 1989, at which time the statues of Auvers and La Besseyre Saint Marie were erected.  There it is, summarized, his resume on this subject!

Year of publication of the presented edition : 2014 (64 pages) Book printed in 250 copies

Editor : Guy Crouzet

Guy Crouzet - And in Gévaudan settled a ferocious beast unknown in our climates

The author

Guy Crouzet is now retired from the Education Nationale and recognized as a French expert on this bloody episode in the History of France. He is originally from Puy-en-Velay.

Guy Crouzet - And in Gévaudan settled a ferocious beast unknown in our climates

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